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Jubilee BioLab’s Choice
Perfect Pure Seed Toner
suggested retail price (MSRP): $16.99
All from nature…
Survey Miesoo Perfect Pure Seed Toner
Jubilee BioLab's Choice : Miesoo Perfect Pure Seed Toner
retail price, $ 16.99
You are currently Jubilee BioLab's partner product.
All products are designed to minimize negative effect on skin only natural herbs non-animal driven ingredients.
Your Name
1. Which cosmetic product did you tested?
Kelp Green Tea Cleansing Foam
Aqua Flood Water Cream
Rvitalizing Seed Light Oil
Perfect Pure Seed Toner
2. your e-mail ( chance to win a gift coupone )
Confirm Email
3. What is your ethnic group?
African Americans
4. What is your age group?
Z- Generation: 18-24
Millennium: 25-38
X- Generation: 39-53
Baby Boomer: 54 ~more
5. What is your household income status?
$29,999 or less
$30,000 - $49,999
$50,000 - $99,999
$100,000 - $349,999
$350,000 up
6. What is the zip code of your residence?
7. What is your typical expense per month cosmetics products?
less than $10
$ 10~ $ 20
$ 20~ $ 50
$ 50~ $ 100
more than $ 100
8. How would you describe your skin texure? (Check all that apply)
smooth firm
fine lines
sagging skin & wrinkles
Very Oily Skin
Oily Skin
Combination Skin, oily in the T-zone, dry/normal cheeks
Dry Skin
Highly Sensitive
Sensitive (moderately)
Normal Skin
9. Do you have porous skin?
large porous
not sure
10. Before this survey, you already use similar products, what is the name of the product?
11. If your answered Q.10, what was the price of used your cosmetics?
12. If your answered Q.10, where did you get it?
13. What is the key reason that you prefer to use the retailer from Q. 12 ? (Check all that apply)
More Variety
Professional Provider
Largest selection
14. If you have never used this type (with these main ingredients) of products before, what are the major reasons? (Check all that apply)
Damage Skin
preservative (Chemical)
15. Did you experience allergy problems from similar product?
Yes, Significantly
Yes, Moderately
Yes, Slightly
16. If Yes Q.15, Do you know what ingredient(s) that you must avoid?
17. Among the cosmetics brands that you or your friends routinely purchase, which brands(or product name) do you think is the most similar to this product?
18. What age group do you think this product fits best apeals the most?
Z- Generation, 18-24
Millennium, 25-38
X- Generation, 39-53
Baby Boomer, 54 ~ more
19. After applying this product on your skin, how do you immediately feel about the quality?
Well made
Similar to other products
Good quality but I do not like
Poor quality
20. When compared with similar products that you are famililar with, how would you evaluate this product?
Excellent the price I paid
Good the price I paid
Average the price I paid
Poor the price I paid
21. When you compare this product with other similar products in the market, what is special strength about this product?(Examples: scent, feel, or/and texture)
22. What improvements does this product need to satisfy you?
23. Do you think the packaging concept the design fit the product well?
Excellent overall
Good in general
Average looking
Does't look good
Already exist in other brands
24. Which type of stores do you think is the best to set up a promotion shelf or to distribute the product? (Check all that apply)
Food/Grocery/Local Super Market branch (ShopRite, WalMart, Stop & Shop, etc.)
Drug/Pharmacy store branch (Target, Walgreens, CVS, Rite Aid, etc.)
Cosmetic store Sephora, Ulta Beauty, Cover girl, etc.
Major Shopping mall (Macy's, Neiman Marcus, Bloomingdale's, etc.)
Major Online shop Amazon, Taobao, etc.
multi-level marketing, MLM Person to Person,( Amway, etc. )
25. What are the best SNS methods do you think work best to advertise this product? (Power blogger, YouTuber, Facebook shop, etc. )
26. What part of the product that we must improve you to switch from the brand that you are currently routinely using? (Check all that apply)
Container(bottle) Design
Brand Name
the product name
Packaging Design
27. In your/or your friends opinion, do you think the retail price of this product is reasonable?
Yes, reasonable
Can be higher price
No. Should be lower price
28. Which are your favorite ingredients that you wish to be included in the product like this?
29. Which are the worst ingredients that must be avoided in the product like this?
30. Would you refer this product to your friends colleagues?
No. Not at All
Maybe. but only to close family
Yes. but only to my small network
Yes. I will promote to everyone
31. If answer NO to Q.30 (or maybe/small network), then what is the most important reason?
32. These products are made of natural herbs non-animal driven ingredients. Does it affect your choice of products ?
No. Not at All
Maybe. but not strongly
Yes. but, low price
Yes. Strongly with high price
33. Which do you care more the product quality or the manufacturer high brand value?
Brand Naming
Do not care (Price is more important)
34. shortly, what would you write to your friend about this cosmetic? (like on Twitter)
if you have any images this products' review or feedback, Please, attach the images
Allowed file extensions are jpg, png, gif. Max file size is 20 MB.
Thank you very much